Dates To Remember
April 1-22……………………………. Daddy/Daughter sign up
April 24………………………………Daddy/Daughter rehearsals begin
April 20-25..………………………….Costumes go home
April 24……………………………….Recital tickets go on sale ($8/each)
May 11-16…………………………….Picture week CANCELED- individual and group pictures will be taken at the recital
May 25………………………………..Studio Closed; Memorial Day
June 4………………………………..Last day of classes
May/June tuition: June tuition will be prorated since there’s only one week of classes (Monday-Thursday; last day for Saturday is May 30). We will combine May and June tuition to make things easier. If you have a credit card on file, payments will automatically stop after May/June tuition has been paid.
June 6…………………………………Recital! (end of 2014-2015 dance season)
June 22………………………………..Summer classes begin!