Youth dance classes are taught through
Kids Dance and will be held at the Recreation Center Facility. Visit for
additional information or e-mail


Online registration is available through the recreation center at

Youth Specialist: Callie Menz ( 303-814-7454


Ballet/Creative Movement

(Ages 3 – 5)

This class is designed to gently teach the
basics of ballet in a fun and positive way.
Creative Movement will be incorporated
into the class, giving students a chance
to express themselves while listening to
a variety of music.

Attire: pink ballet slippers, leotard (skirt is optional) and tights

Dates: Reg. Deadline:
Jan. 5-26 Jan. 1
Feb. 2-23 Jan. 29
March 1-29 Feb. 26
(no class March 22)
April 3-24 April 1
May 3-24 April 29

Tuesday 3:30-4:15

Fee: $45.00 ($50.00 nonresident)



(ages 5 – 10)
This is a great class for young dancers who
want to try a little bit of everything. Students will learn the basics of Ballet, Tap and Jazz.
The focus is to have fun while learning correct terminology and technique.
Attire: black tap shoes, pink ballet slippers, leotard (skirt is optional) and tights.

Dates: Reg. Deadline:
Jan. 5-26 Jan. 1
Feb. 2-23 Jan. 29
March 1-29 Feb. 26
(no class March 22)
April 3-24 April 1
May 3-24 April 29

Tuesday 4:15-5:15

Fee: $50.00 ($55.00 nonresident)


Hip Hop

(ages 6 – 10)
This is a fun, high-energy class, where
students will learn combinations to upbeat,
age-appropriate music. There is less
emphasis on structure, as hip hop
is more of a personal expression
rather than a learned technique.
Attire: T-Shirt, Capri or cargo pants, dance or tennis shoes. (no outside street shoes will be allowed in dance room)


Dates: Reg. Deadline:
Jan. 5-26 Jan. 1
Feb. 2-23 Jan. 29
March 1-29 Feb. 26
(no class March 22)
April 3-24 April 1
May 3-24 April 29

Tuesday 5:15-6:00

Fee: $45.00 ($50.00 nonresident)